E l e c t r i c F i r e¬╩╩╫╩╩The After Dark¬ Module
Created by Stephen Linhart at Enigma Games
and Dr. Cat at Dragon╒s Eye Productions
Copyright ⌐ 1992 by Stephen Linhart - All Rights Reserved
An Enigmatic¬ Production
This small module will mesmerize you with a startling variety of beautiful patterns. It works very well in black & white, and in color.
Here are some of my favorite settings:
╩╩╩25, 1, 11, 1
╩╩╩ 8, 15, 8, 66
╩╩╩ 0, 0, 12, 100
╩╩╩ 3, 50, 12, 50
I╒m sure you╒ll find more favorites of your own.
Electric Fire is protected under international copyright conventions, and all rights are reserved. However, you are encouraged to copy and distribute this version (1.0) freely, as long as you always include this ╘Read Me╒ file with it. You may not modify the module or this file in any way, and you may not charge money for it - except for shipping, handling and the cost of media.
Send comments and questions to:
Enigma¬ Games - P.O. Box 199 - Amherst, MA 01002
Stephen123 on AOL
For more neat stuff contact:
Dragon╒s Eye Productions
10926 Jollyville, Suite 805 - Austin, TX 78759
BBS (512) 343-7727
I believe that this module will run on any Macintosh¿ with the latest version of After Dark, however, I do not make any claims or warranties as to its fun, safety or fitness for any purpose. Orbs, Enigma and Enigmatic are trademarks of Enigma Games. After Dark is a trademark of Berkeley Systems, Inc. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.